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Data management System

System designed and developed in Microsoft Excel with use of advance VBA code and macros.

Project Overview

The product

This system was voluntarily developed for Religious organisation, Dudjom Dharma House Canberra (DDHC) to keep records of member registration and generate monthly financial transactions.

Project Duration

Nov 2021 - Feb 2022

My Role

UI/UX Designer designing and developing a standalone system for DDHC.

Scope of work

Collaborating with clients, meeting and discussion, iterating on designs and development.

Tools Used

Microsoft Excel (VBA and macros)

The problem

DDHC lacked dedicated system to record their member registration and monthly accounts.

The goal

Design and develop a standalone system for DDHC that allow them to record member data base and provide accurate automated monthly financial transaction.


Picture showing process of development: 1.Design brief, 2.Research phase, 3.Generate ideas, 4.Production stage, 5.Deliver to client 6.Iterate process and arrow pointing back to number 4.Production stage


Bring it on

Received client briefs and discussion on detail system functioning including entering new members into the system. Noted project timeline but there wasn't strict timeline but expected to complete within the financial year 2021-22. Asked client expectation and scope of project.

From the client's meeting, it was crucial to incorporate three main things in the system: 1. New member registration, 2. Alert member renewable, and 3. Able to print report in PDF.

New member registraion

If system could allow to enter new member with automated registration number.

Alert member renewable

If there is a way to alert whose member fees are due to expire/expired.


For all the information entered in the system, generating report in PDF format would help keep proper updated records.


Detective mode

Next, I gathered all the required information and relevant materials for the project from the DDHC Treasurer. Then browsed for inspiration in the internet such as pinterest, Instagram, Behance and Youtube for similar project by keeping the following questions in mind:

  • What are the processes, practices, and emotions that people experience around the problem you are trying to solve?
  • What are the problems that users still have not solved, as they relate to the product you're designing? What would solving those problems do for users and others?
  • How will the product you are designing function within users’ lives?


Bringing on table

After gathering sufficient information and inspiration from the internet, incorporating clear Information Architecture into my designs using a Sitemap helped to show how sheets are prioritized, linked, and labeled.

When planning my system in its early stages, it is important for me to create a clear organizational path. By mapping an outline, I can see which areas of my site may require more elaborate connectivity to help users reach the necessary pages. By creating sitemap, it helped to brainstorm and find the best solution.

Picture of DDHC sitemap


Time to work

While designing and developing, I tested application changes which is critical to increasing the odds of my code working properly when delivered to users.
The best way to know if a feature is likely to break production is by testing that feature in production.

At this stage, the system was in beta version and several refinements were made to and forth with real user testing.

Picture of system in development and meeting with client.


Handle with care

Before sending design to client, I want to ensure my beta development is relatively complete. This means colours, sizes, positions and codes should work a cohesive flow between one sheet to the next.

After successful delivery and operation, client was fully satisfied with the product and offered me with certificate of appreciation.

Picture of "Certificate of appreciation" awarded by DDHC to Karma Tshering

Mock up


Not done yet

When there are some minor bugs and troubleshoot in the system, client make a point to discuss and note the list of problems. This iteration process continues and are being updated with the new system version.

The current most up to date system version being DDHC 21.0.07.xlsm

Screenshot of latest version of system.